Robert Jauss [[ ]] [[ ]]


UI & UX Designer | Full Stack Developer | Python Automation Engineer

Inspired by Purpose. Driven by Passion.
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I work extensively with...

UI/UX Design

Creating clean, easy interfaces to get users where they need to go with the fewest obstacles in their way. The user experience is the most important part of development.

Make the application work for the user, not the other way around.

Web Development

Python via Django and Flask. JavaScript, both vanilla and via Vue.js. HTML5 standards. CSS3, SCSS, SASS, LESS. Material Design.

These technologies, frameworks, and standards are the foundation of good web development, and what I use daily.

Python Automation

From scraping data and displaying it in a more meaningful way, to turning hardware and software testing into a completely hands-off task.

Python automation gave me my passion for programming, and I got a great start with automating firmware testing for enterprise-grade SSDs at Intel.

Hi there, I'm Robert.

I've been doing web development and UI/UX design professionally for about ten years. and as a hobby for much longer. I've made small websites for individuals, portfolios, art galleries, and I've made dashboards for parsing through terabytes of data and comparing logs with machine learning.

It's not only something I like to think I'm good at, it's a hobby as well. What started out as a mere curiosity for how things worked, turned into the only career path I can see myself in. Web development, automation, and design are my passions. If you would like to see me put my passions to work for you, then let's chat.

Copyright 2019 - 2025 Robert Jauss